Unconventional Pencil Art

Artists from around the world use different mediums when they want to create and bring their art alive. A common medium used are colored pencils. Meghan Maconochie, a teacher and…
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Art for Ants by Lorraine Loots

Lorraine Loots is a pretty unique artist. Whereas most people talk about grand masterpieces when referring to large scale works of art, Loots’ aesthetic always took on a different nature.…
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Unconventional Pencil Art

Artists from around the world use different mediums when they want to create and bring their art alive. A common medium used are colored pencils. Meghan Maconochie, a teacher and…
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Art for Ants by Lorraine Loots

Lorraine Loots is a pretty unique artist. Whereas most people talk about grand masterpieces when referring to large scale works of art, Loots’ aesthetic always took on a different nature.…
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